
Company name: Puklusvin Szőlőtermelő, Feldolgozó és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság

Abbreviated company name: Puklusvin Kft.

Phone number: +36/20/927-4872

Headquarters: 9444 Fertőszentmiklós, Újtelep u. 49.

Operation site: 9444 Fertőszentmiklós, Aranyhegy 0286/17 hrsz.

e-mail address:

Tax number: 11792178-2-08

Community tax number: HU11792178

Company registration number: Cg.: 08-09-008022

The name of the company court that registers the company: Company Court of Győr Court (Győri Törvényszék Cégbírósága)

IBAN:  HU34 1173 7083 2009 4461 0000 0000

Copyright By entering the website, you accept the following conditions, even if you are not a registered user of the site.

On behalf of the Gemini brand, Puklusvin Kft. reserves the right to copy and distribute all content on the website (including, in particular, photographs, images and any textual content) in any way, as well as any other use.

Unauthorized use of the content on the website entails criminal and civil consequences. In case of unauthorized use, Puklusvin Kft. can legally demand the cessation of the infringement, compensation for the damages caused by it, and reimbursement and compensation for the enrichment achieved by the use. Puklusvin Kft. may file a criminal complaint in case of illegal display of the brand and/or the company representing the brand, distribution of incorrect or false information, spreading of bad news, and other crimes.

All rights reserved: Puklusvin Kft.